Top Music Projects of 2023

Neighbors! 2023 has came and left…literally…and this year has brought us some great music from the city! To add on, it was A LOT of music that was released. Whether it was EPs, singles, or albums, the Duval music streets have been busy. Thanks to us, LRK Productions, and our dope special guest AP Coley, we been in the traffic and making note of it all. We hope you enjoy the list and the podcast episode.
The selected projects are below and were based on three categories:
Presence: if the artist is consistently pushing their project by way of videos, interviews, and/or performances.
Body of work: how the album sounds sonically and if it has playback value.
Impact: basically, how the album sounds to the culture.
Congrats to all of the albums that made the list and our honorable mentions! Apologies on if we forgot an album. Please charge it to the mind and not the heart. Happy Holidays and we’re looking forward to 2024 and what the artists will bring!
P.S. Click on the album cover to listen! Also, listen to the podcast episode HERE.
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10. FNF Juuk - Fxck This Music Shit
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8. Aalana - My Arriving
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7. OG Greg Productions - The Cost of Living
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6. DevDiedAlone - Sleeping Alone
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5. Broadway Louie - Magick
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4. K.UTIE - Trance
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3. Mecca Tha Marvelous - Jane Doe
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2. Bright Purpel, K.UTIE, & Jeremy Ryan - Colors
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1. Mecca Tha Marvelous - David
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