Picture Perfect: Sam Thomas

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His brand? Selective Shots. His game? Being prepared to snap the best moments at any moment. Sam Thomas has exhibited his charisma with his personality, but it merged to being a music enthusiast, to now, a photographer.

Read up on him and check out the photos below. Then, follow him on Facebook.

What is your favorite subject to photograph?

Capturing candid photos of people doing what or being their natural self or just getting caught in the act.

How do you educate yourself to take better photos?

Number one thing is to never stop snapping photos! I continue to get better by being a student. I’m not afraid to buy a book on photography and apply it to what I’m doing in layers. I practice the tutorials I receive via email from this website digital photography school. It keeps me current, even when the lens is down as it gives me something specific to practice. Also, talking among other photographers does wonders to my self-esteem and thought process. I appreciate the open ear I have had with Adrian Peterson, Cheryl McCain, and Larry Key.

What do you like most about being a photographer? Why?

Being able to capture the moment. Our brains don’t allow us to remember everything at the drop of a dime, but a photograph can spark a memory and a conversation.  

What is your favorite lens?

Right now, its my Nikon 18-105mm lens because its so versatile with on-the-scene photos during events. Its perfect for shots in short spaces and great to capture shots from across the room.