The Groove Suite celebrates Black Music Month!


UPDATED: June 24th, 2021: Here’s the link to all of the playlists we’ve made so far. Next week, we’ll be releasing out last playlist: 2010s. Enjoy HERE!

UPDATED: June 15th, 2021: The 90s playlist has been uploaded here! Click the 90s playlist cover to check it out! Enjoy!

UPDATED: June 8th, 2021: Click on the playlist artwork below to check out the music! We’ll be adding the 80s playlist today!

The month of June is a busy one. You have schools letting out for the (beginning of) Summer, LGBTQ+ Pride Month, Juneteenth, Father’s Day, and much more. While we respect each holiday mentioned, one acknowledgment that The Groove Suite family would like to honor is Black Music Month.

Also called African American Music Appreciation Month (dubbed by President Barak Obama in 2009), it’s dedicated to the past and present African American music influencers. Many organizations and social groups take time to praise numerous African American music stars, composers, and more, by sharing history facts, attending performances in respects of, and more.

The Groove Suite decided to share some music and show their appreciation for their influences. With that, be on the lookout for a committed playlist every Tuesday of this month, discussions about various Black music that will be held on Twitter Spaces, some DJ mixes, and maybe a live event…?? Hmmm!

Below are two references of the creation and the ongoings of Black Music Month. Also, follow the handles below to stay up on the content we’ll be sharing! Great music to share, admire, and appreciate!

Instagram: @thegroovesuite @christinacurates @mpnmanagement

Twitter: @thegroovesuite @mpnmanagement